Files Generated During Recording


The script contains the SapGuiOpenConnection statement as the first statement in the TMain transaction, unless you have not selected the Attach to existing SAP Session option.

The complete logon sequence, from SapGuiOpenConnection to SapGuiLogon, should be moved to the Tinit transaction when performing large load tests.

When high-level scripting is enabled, the recorder scripts high-level API functions for most control interactions. For all others (where there are no high-level API calls) the low-level functions SapGuiInvokeMethod and SapGuiSetProperty are scripted.

Recording Text Logs

Text logs contain detailed information about SAPGUI events and controls when the log level is set to Debug. The additional information in this log is helpful for troubleshooting. If you experience a problem and need to contact technical support, switch the log level to Debug before recording. This also applies to the replay text log file.

Record TrueLogs

Record TrueLogs contain the same information as replay TrueLogs. This allows you to use TrueLog Explorer's Compare view after you execute a TryScript.