Run a TryScript run with the
Animation checkbox selected on the
TryScript dialog box. This opens
TrueLog Explorer.
When the TryScript run is complete, select a
CitrixSynchronization API node (or child node) that includes a bitmap screengrab of a page on which you want to verify text.
Click and drag your cursor onscreen to select the page region that includes the text you want to use for verification.
Right-click in the selected area and select
Verify Selected Text from the context menu.
Insert Text Verification Function dialog box opens. The selected text is pre-loaded into the constant value edit box and the constant value radio button is
selected by default.
In addition to being able to verify against a constant value, you can also verify against an existing parameter or a new parameter.
To verify against a parameter, select the parameter radio button. If a parameter already exists, clicking “...” enables you to browse to and select the parameter. If no parameters exist, clicking “...” launches the
Parameter Wizard, which you can use to create a new parameter.
From the
Verify that the text in the selected rectangle is drop list, select
equal or
not equal.
Specify whether or not the verification is to be
Case sensitive and should
Ignore whitespaces.
In the
Severity portion of the dialog box, specify the severity that is to be raised if the verification returns a negative result (Error,
Informational, or
A confirmation dialog box appears. Click
OK to add the OCR verification function to your
Citrix test script.