You can execute X-Path queries on a document or on nodes of a document. If you execute the query on the document, the root element is the initial point for the query - otherwise it is the node. There are two functions to execute an X-Path Query. XmlSelectNodes returns node list with all nodes that match the query. XmlSelectSingleNode returns the first node that matches the query. For a detailed description of X-Path, see the online documentation at
dcltrans transaction TMain var hDoc, hChildren, hRoot, hChild : number; begin hDoc := XmlCreateDocumentFromXml("<root><child>value1</child><child>value2</child></root>"); hRoot := XmlSelectSingleNode(hDoc, "/root"); hChildren := XmlSelectNodes("/root/child"); hChild := XmlGetItem(hChildren, 1); ... XmlFreeHandle(hChild); XmlFreeHandle(hChildren); XmlFreeHandle(hRoot); XmlFreeHandle(hDoc); XmlFreeHandle(hDoc); end TMain;