Retrieves the value of a specified element from a JSON array. If the array element does not exist in the JSON array or the arrayelement does not contain a float value nothing happens.
JsonArrayGetFloatElement( in handle : number, in index : number, out value : float ): boolean;
Parameter | Description |
handle | Valid handle to a JSON array |
index | The index position in the JSON array. Lower bound is zero (0). |
value | Parameter that contains the value of the specified element |
transaction TMain var jsonText : string; jsonArray, i : number; elementValue : float; begin WebParseDataBound(jsonText); WebPageUrl(""); jsonArray := JsonParse(jsonText); for i := 0 to (JsonGetArrayLength(jsonArray) - 1) do JsonArrayGetFloatElement(jsonArray, i, elementValue); Print("index: " + string(i) + ", value: " + string(elementValue)); end; JsonFree(jsonArray); end TMain;