General information
User types
Summary tables
Transaction response times
HTML page and action timers
Web form measurements
Accept Results button
The General Information section includes administrative information in tabular form.
Administrative information includes the Silk Performer Version information, the project name, a description of the project, the date and time of the baseline test, the workload definition, the workload model, and the number of errors that occurred.
For each user type involved in the test run, a separate section is available with details on the measured response times. The following information appears in the summary line:
The session time consists of the execution time of all transactions defined in the dcluser section of a test script, without the initial and end transactions. The session busy time is calculated as the session time minus think times, as the following example shows.
dcluser user Vuser1 transactions TInit : begin; T1 : 1; T2 : 3; Tend : end;
The session time is the average response time of T1 + 3 * average response time of T2. The session busy time is the same without any think time.
If you are satisfied with the results, you can set them as baseline results and save them for further processing, such as the calculation of the number of concurrent virtual users and the network bandwidth needed for the load test.
For each user type, detailed results are available in the following sections:
If the results of an inspected load test are acceptable for use as a baseline, you can store them for further calculations and processing by clicking Accept Results. The results of tests with all user types involved are stored in the file <projectdir>\BaselineResults\baselineReport_<workloadname>.brp. You must define a separate baseline for every workload that is defined in your load test project. If you create a copy of a workload, the baseline results are also copied.