Execution Server Log Page

Administration > Reports > Execution Server Log

Use this page to view logging information from the Performance Manager execution server service.

For each location, the page displays the following columns:

Column Description
Location Displays all available locations.
Execution Servers Displays the amount of execution servers per location.
Status Displays a summary status of the execution servers in the location.

Administration > Reports > Execution Server Log > Location name

When clicking on the name of a location, the list of execution servers in the selected location displays. The list displays the following columns for each execution server.

Column Description
Execution Server Name The name of the execution server.
Host The name of the computer hosting the execution server.
Type The Performance Manager application that the execution server is configured for. For Performance Manager, the type is always Performance Manager.
Assigned Tasks The amount of tasks that are currently scheduled on the execution server.
Status The status of the execution server. Active or Inactive.

Click Back to return to the list of locations.

Administration > Reports > Execution Server Log > Location name > Execution server name

When clicking on the name of an execution server, the list of log files for the selected execution server displays. For each log file, the page displays the following columns:
Column Description
Actions Click the buttons and to Delete or Download log files.
Name The name of the log file.
Size The physical size of the log file.
Date Date when the log file was last physically saved.

Click Back to return to the list of execution servers.

Administration > Reports > Execution Server Log > Location name > Execution server name > Execution server log file name

When clicking on the name of a log file, the logging details list displays. The list includes the following items:

Item Description
Filter area Use the filter options to filter the log list information by severity, log level, and module. Click Update to refresh the list according to your filter settings.
Table area Displays the following logging information:
Severity of the event:
  • Info
  • Warning
  • Error
Log Level
Log level of the event:
  • OV = Overview
  • DT = Detailed
  • VB = Verbose
  • DB = Debug

Click Back to return to the Execution Server Log page. Click Download as CSV to download the log file as a CSV file to your local computer.