
Rules define how errors are raised and the actions that Performance Manager performs when incidents occur.

Certain incidents may trigger email notifications while other incidents may trigger more advanced actions known as action Essentials. Action Essentials are Essentials that act as powerful notification alarms. They can be used to execute any action that can be programmed with a Silk Performer script. Rules can also trigger the violation of Service Target Agreements. Rules are built upon conditions. Therefore you must configure conditions before you configure rules.

Conditions within a rule are evaluated from top to bottom, and the AND operator has a stronger binding than the OR operator.

The Rules page

The Rules tab (Performance Manager > Configuration > Rules) includes a list of all currently configured rules. It also includes high-level information about each rule, including:
  • The Condition Expression column, which details the parameters of each condition.
  • The Pattern column, which indicates the number of expressions of a condition that must occur before an incident is raised.
  • The Severity column, which indicates the severity of the rule.
  • The Action column, which indicates the action that is to be taken when incidents occur.
  • The Test Action column, which allows you to test action settings by immediately triggering a condition's defined action.

For information about the Add Rule link, see the Adding Rules section.

For information about deleting rules, please see the Deleting Rules section.