
Essentials are pre-installed monitors that ship with Performance Manager (for example, pinger, URL checker, network diagnostic monitors).

Essentials are available to all Performance Manager users, however they cannot be edited. Administrators can create custom Essentials and make them available to users.

Silk Performance Manager Self Monitoring

Silk Performance Manager self-monitoring monitors are designed to monitor other Performance Manager server infrastructures.

  • End-User Monitor: A Performance Manager End-User Monitor simulates a Performance Manager analyst. This monitor type tests the availability of the front-end as well as the application server from the user perspective.
  • System Health: Provides a performance "self-monitoring" ability to Performance Manager. This Essential only requires the host name of the application server (the actual host name, "localhost" does not work). The gathered data is similar to the data on the current System Health page, but it can be used for actions like raising incidents or sending notifications.
    Note: You must install a current JRE on the execution server that will monitor the application server before installing the Performance Manager execution server software.


This type of monitoring allows you to test a server's viability by sending it various types of echo requests. The resulting data tells you if the server is responding to the requests of users and if it is responding in a reasonable time frame. The following pinger monitors are pre-installed:
  • Pinger: This monitor checks the availability of a specific host by sending it an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request via TCP/IP.
  • FtpPinger: This monitor checks the availability of a FTP server by connecting to it and retrieving the current directory of the server.
  • LdapPinger: This monitor checks the availability of an LDAP server by connecting to it and performing an anonymous login.
  • POP3Pinger: This monitor connects to a POP3 server to check its availability.
  • SmtpPinger: This monitor connects to an SMTP server to check its availability.

URL Checker

URL-checker monitors check URL's by downloading their pages and embedded objects. Verification can be defined for title and content.

Silk Test GUI-Level Monitoring

If your application cannot be monitored with a Silk Performer-based script, use this monitor type to monitor applications via a GUI-based solution with Silk Test.