Report Templates Page

Administration > Reports > Report Templates

Use the Report Templates page to manage the report templates which you want to make available to Performance Manager for reporting.

Click Upload to upload a new report template from your hard disk or a UNC to Performance Manager.

For each listed report, the page displays the following columns:

Column Description
Title The name of the report template as it displays in the application's GUI.
File Name The physical file name of the report template.
Uploaded On Date when the report template was uploaded to Performance Manager.
Uploaded By The user who uploaded the report template to Performance Manager.
Project The project to which the report template is associated. Only the specified project can use that template for reporting purposes. If a template is assigned to All Projects, then any project can use it.
Module The Performance Manager application which may access the reporting template. If a template is assigned to no module, then any application can use it.
Actions This column contains action icons which allow the user to perform the following actions on a report template:
Replaces the currently uploaded template with a new one.
Downloads the template to your local computer.
Deletes the template permanently.