For security reasons, the JMX RMI interface is disabled by default on the execution server. To enable the JMX RMI interface
on the execution server, when the execution server is running as a service, perform the following actions:
Double-click the
Silk Performance Manager Service Manager tray icon in the Windows task bar.
Silk Performance Manager Service Manager displays, with up to five tabs visible, depending on the services that are installed on this computer.
Click the
Execution Server tab.
This tab represents the
Performance Manager execution server, running as a Windows system service.
Stop to stop the execution server system service.
Query Status to check the service’s status.
Make sure that the service status is
Open the
Registry Editor.
regedit into the search field.
Select the first result.
Remove the following from the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\SPMExecServer<version>\Parameters\Java\Options registry key:
Type the following into the registry key:
Double-click the
Silk Performance Manager Service Manager tray icon in the Windows task bar.
Silk Performance Manager Service Manager displays, with up to five tabs visible, depending on the services that are installed on this computer.
Click the
Execution Server tab.
This tab represents the
Performance Manager execution server, running as a Windows system service.
Start to start the execution server.