Distributed execution defines whether tests of an execution plan are executed sequentially on the selected execution server
(Disabled), or if they are distributed to all matching execution servers and run in parallel (Enabled). No changes to your current execution configuration are required when turning on distributed execution.
Before you enable distributed execution, be aware of the following:
- If the individual tests of an execution plan have a very short execution time, enabling distributed execution will not improve
the overall execution time, as the administrative overhead of test deployment, source control management, and result fetching
will outweigh the benefits of executing the tests in parallel.
- All
Silk Central test types support distributed execution.
- No code coverage information will be available if another test is already recording on the same execution server.
- No video will be available if another test is already recording on the same execution server.
- If one of the tests has an execution stop condition, all currently running and not yet started tests are stopped if this condition
is met. Currently running tests are set to
Failed, while not yet started tests are set to
Not Executed. Tests that were are already set to
Passed before the condition was met will remain with that status.