In the menu, click
Execution Planning > Details View or
Execution Planning > Document View.
Right-click the root node or a folder in the
Execution tree and select
New Child Configuration Suite or click
in the toolbar.
New Configuration Suite dialog box displays.
Type a
Name and
Description for the new configuration suite.
Select a
Test Container from the list box.
Select a
Version and
Build from the list boxes, or check the
Read from Build Information File check box to read the version and build from a file.
Optional: In the
Source Control Label field you can specify that earlier versions of automation files, instead of the latest versions, are fetched from the source
control system.
Note: The
Source Control Label property is only enabled if the associated test container uses a source control profile that supports versioning.
Specify all
Required attributes, if there are any. Required attributes must be specified when creating a new configuration suite. Required attributes that
are not yet set display with an orange background and a red border.
Note: If the parent element (for example a configuration suite) has a certain attribute already set, the value is automatically
filled in for the child element. However, the
Inherit from parent check box is always unchecked by default. If the parent element does not require a certain attribute, the
Inherit from parent check box is disabled.
Note: If an attribute is set to
Inactive (under
Execution Planning > Attributes), it is not required when creating a new element.