
Filters provide an efficient means of finding exactly the information you need, while excluding extraneous detail. Filters highlight only those elements that are relevant to your needs, and enable you to quickly sort through requirements, test elements, and execution plans. By defining global filters, you can create complex filter criteria that are available throughout Silk Central without defining filter criteria each time you need to filter a list.

Based on your needs, you can create new filters, edit existing filters, select filters, delete filters, or turn filtering off at the project level. Projects do not contain default filters. You can access and edit filters from the toolbars in the Silk Central units and from the Project Settings unit.

Note: Filters are not applied to reports. The Recent Changes filter enables you to view project-wide changes and additions that other users have made to tests since your last change acknowledgement. The Show Changes/Show All toggle button and the Acknowledge button in the Tests area help you to find out what changes other users have made. Your system administrator can configure email notifications that alert you to changes that are made to test settings. Email alerts include links that take you directly to a view of recent changes.