Silk Central Web Services

The SOAP-based Web Services for Silk Central do not require setup, they are enabled by default on each front-end server. For example, if is the URL that you use to access Silk Central, then (legacy services at and are the base URLs you use to access available Web Services.

When you access the base URL using your browser, you are presented with a simple HTML list of all available Web Services. This list is provided by JAX-WS. The SOAP stack that Silk Central uses is

The base URL provides links to WSDL (Web Service Definition Language) standardized XML files, where each file describes the interface of a single Web Service. These files are not human readable. For this reason, SOAP-enabled clients (for example, Silk Performer Java Explorer) read WSDL files and thereby retrieve information required for invoking methods on corresponding Web Services.

Refer to the Javadoc for full details regarding available Java classes and methods. If the link does not work, click Help > Documentation > Silk Central API Specification in the Silk Central menu to open the Javadoc.

For information on how to manage execution plan runs, which are executed on external execution environments instead of on the Silk Central execution servers, and their results, Silk Central offers a REST API documentation. If Silk Central is installed on your system, you can access the interactive documentation of the REST API from here.