The property mapping functionality allows you to map property fields between
Silk Central and external requirements management tools. For example, a custom requirement property in
Silk Central called
User might be equivalent to a custom property in
Caliber called
User_ID. The property mapping feature ensures that requirement property fields are accurately populated between projects during requirement
uploading and importing. If there are multiple requirement types, you must map each type separately.
Note: If you don't use the property mapping feature, only the name and the description of the requirements are mapped.
To edit property mapping:
Note: The following applies for synchronizing properties with boolean values: since
Silk Central does not support the boolean data type, you need to create a single select list with the following two list items:
- Name =
Yes, Numeric Weight =
- Name =
No, Numeric Weight =
Note: When you map lists, requirement properties from both products need to have the same named options for each list item, and
they are case sensitive.