This topic describes how to create a code coverage plugin. You should be familiar with the Silk Central baseline concept. In Silk Central, a baseline is required before each run. A baseline includes all namespaces/packages/classes/methods in the test application.
import com.segue.scc.published.api.codeanalysis.CodeAnalysisProfile; import com.segue.scc.published.api.codeanalysis.CodeAnalysisProfileException; import com.segue.scc.published.api.codeanalysis.CodeAnalysisResult;
This function is called before starting coverage and is triggered by the Silk Central execution server starting a test run to start code analysis and return all of the objects to be covered. The output needs to be converted into XML using the format specified in the XML schema included in the CA-Framework installation folder.
This is called by the Silk Central Code Coverage Framework after the getBaseLine() method is complete. This is where you should start your code coverage tool collecting code coverage data.
This is called after startCoverage and is triggered by the Silk Central execution server finishing a test run to stop code analysis.
This function is called after stopCoverage() and returns all the coverage data collected. The output needs to be converted into XML using the specified in the XML schema.
This is called first by the Silk Central Code Coverage framework. The name of the plug-in is displayed in the code coverage list in Silk Central.