Configurations Suite Configurations Page

To access this page, click Execution Planning > Details View > <Configuration Suite> > Configurations.

The Configurations tab displays the configurations that are included in a configuration suite. The grid provides data for the automated generation of child execution plans.

Each configuration that you add to the grid results in a new execution plan, which is executed with the configuration suite.

To define a new configuration, click New Configuration. To add or remove a parameter, click Add/Remove Parameters.

For each listed configuration, the page displays the following columns:
Column Description
  • Click Delete Configuration to delete the configuration.
  • Click Duplicate Configuration to duplicate the configuration.
Name The name of the configuration. Click on the name to change it.
Keywords The list of the execution keywords that are assigned to the configuration. Click on the link to change the list. For additional information, see Assigning Keywords to a Configuration.
Manual Testers The list of the manual testers that are assigned to the configuration. Click on the link to change the list. For additional information, see Adding Manual Testers to Configurations.
Mobile Device Selection The mobile device (physical device, emulator or simulator) that is assigned to the configuration. Click the link to edit the mobile device selection. For additional information, see Assigning Mobile Devices to a Configuration.
Parameters The grid can have multiple parameter columns. Click Add/Remove Parameters to add or remove parameters from the grid. To add a value to a parameter, click the field and type in the value. For additional information, see Adding Parameters to a Configuration.