Standard Action Fields Tab

The Standard Action Fields tab on the New Action for State dialog defines the properties relating to the use and appearance of the action dialog, specifically:

Action Notes
Not Used
The Action dialog box will not display the Action Notes field when the user takes this action.
The Action dialog box will display the Action Notes field. Users have the option of entering extra information about the action they are taking.
The Action dialog box displays a required Action Notes field. Users must enter extra information about the action in this field.
Release Information
This group allows you to have a list appear on the action dialog from which users can select the release in which this action is taken. The release selected by the user also appears in one of the automatic fields on the Issue Details page. This information is particularly useful for certain kinds of actions (for example, those related to confirming, fixing, and verifying issues). It is not useful for actions that do not change the current state. The Release Information field has one of four values:
Not Used
The action dialog will not display the list. The action dialog for the Add Comment action does not have a list box for release information because release information is not necessary for the Add Comment action.

If you choose Not Used, for example if the user doesn’t supply information in an optional list box on the action dialog, or if an action hasn’t been taken which uses the list, then the Issue Details page displays an empty Action Release field.

Optional or Required
The action dialog will display an optional or required list from which the user selects a release. The last automatic field on the Issue Details page displays the release in which the action was taken. You need to specify the list Label to make it appropriate for the action. The label can be up to 20 characters long, including a trailing colon. The default field label is Confirmed In: for confirming actions; Fixed In: for fixing actions; and Verified In: for verifying actions. The label appears on both the action dialog and on the Issue Details page. The list’s values derive from the list of releases specified in the Administration module.
The previous value in the last automatic field of the Issue Details page will be removed and the field label reverted to the default, Action Release. The Label field in the Release Information group is disabled. Cleared is a good choice when an action causes an issue to return to a previous state in the workflow. Examples from the default workflow are the Reject and Reopen Bug actions. For example, a developer takes a Fixed action and fills in a specific release number in the Fixed In field. This action sends the issue to the QA-Ready state. The QA engineer responsible for the issue rejects the developer’s claim that the bug has been fixed. The Reject action moves the issue from its current state, QA-Ready, back to a previous state in the workflow, Dev-Ready.

When an action’s reason code is cleared, consider choosing Cleared as the value for the Release Information field.

The release selected by the user on the action dialog will appear on the Issue Details page. For example, say that a user takes the Fixed action, selects 4.1:prod as the release from the Fixed In list box, and clicks OK. When the Issue Details page reappears, the Fixed In field displays the selected release.

Related Issue Number
Allows you to place a text field on the action dialog in which users can enter the number of a duplicate or related issue. This information is useful when users take the Mark as Duplicate action in the bug workflow or the Already Done action in the enhancement workflow.
Not Used
Text field will not appear on the action dialog.
Optional or Required

An optional or required text field appears on the action dialog. You need to specify the text field label. The label can be up to 20 characters long, including a trailing colon. The default field label in the bug workflow is Duplicate of #. The default field label in the enhancement workflow is See Also.

The issue number specified by the user on the action dialog will appear in the Notes field of the Issue Details page’s History tab. For example, say a user takes the Mark as Duplicate action on Issue #8, specifies Issue #6 as the duplicate, and clicks OK. When the Issue Details page reappears, the Notes field will display the phrase Related to issue number n, where n is the value of the Duplicate of # field. If the Duplicate of # field is optional and the user does not fill it in, then the Notes field will display the contents of the Action Notes field.