JMX Measures for Data Mart

Data Mart Updater Measures

JMX information on the Data Mart Updater can be found on your application server in the JMX measures tree at

Measure Description
AverageCheckDurationInMilliseconds Average time in milliseconds used to check for updated rows
AverageUpdateDurationInMilliseconds Average time in milliseconds used to update rows
FailedCheckCount Number of failed checks for updates
FailedUpdateCount Number of failed updates
FastestCheckInMilliseconds Shortest time in milliseconds used to check for updated rows
FastestUpdateInMilliseconds Shortest time in milliseconds used to update rows
Id ID of Data Mart Updater
IntervalInMilliseconds Interval in milliseconds which defines how often the Data Mart Updater runs
LastBlockedRunDate Time when the execution was blocked the last time (wait for exclusive access failed)
LastFailedRunDate Time when the execution failed the last time
LastSuccessfulRunDate Time when the execution completed successfully the last time
LatestDataLoadInfo Information about the latest data load
SlowestCheckInMilliseconds Longest time in milliseconds used to check for updated rows
SlowestUpdateInMilliseconds Longest time in milliseconds used to update rows
SlowestWaitForExclusiveAccessInMilliseconds Longest time in milliseconds used to wait for exclusive access
StartupDate Time when the Data Mart Updater was initialized
SuccessfulCheckCount Number of successful checks for updates
SuccessfulUpdateCount Number of successful updates

Data Mart Service Measures

JMX information on the Data Mart service can be found on your application server in the JMX measures tree at

Measure/Operation Description
Enabled Shows whether the Data Mart service is enabled or disabled.
disable() Disables the Data Mart service.
enable() Enables the Data Mart service.
isEnabled() Queries whether the Data Mart service is enabled or disabled.