Silk Performer results contain a high amount of percentile marker data that would consume a lot of space in the database (table
TM_PerfReportPercentileMarker). Therefore, storing this information is disabled by default. To enable the storing of percentile marker data whenever
Silk Performer results are stored, proceed as follows:
On the
Instance Administration page, stop the application server of the instance that you want to modify.
Open the
TMAppServerHomeConf.xml file with a text editor.
The default path for this file is
C:\Program Files (x86)\Silk\Silk Central
20.5\instance_<instance number>_<instance name>\Conf\AppServer on the application server.
Locate the
Config/SilkPerformerResultStorage/StorePercentileMarkerData XML tag. By default, the tag is set to
Set the value to
Save and close the XML file.
Restart the application server.