Micro Focus®
Issue 1b
September 2001
Copyright © 2002 Micro Focus International Limited.
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This book describes how you can create and debug Internet Applications using Server Express.
This book is aimed at COBOL programmers who want to write applications to run on the Internet or their organization's intranet. You don't need to be an expert on the Intranet or intranet to use this book, although you will find it is easier to understand the concepts in here if you have spent some time using Web browsers to navigate either the World Wide Web or your organization's own intranet.
To understand the basic concepts used throughout the rest of the book, read chapter 1.
To learn how to create applications read chapters 2, 3 and 4. Chapter 2 describes forms, Chapter 3 describes server-side programming, and chapter 4 describes how to compile and link an Internet application.
To turn a standard CGI program into a NSAPI application by recompiling it, read chapter 5. Skip this chapter if you aren't interested in NSAPI.
When you finally want to deploy your application on a Web server, read chapter 6.
The following type styles and conventions have been used in this book:
cat script_name | more
The italic text denotes a variable that you type as part of the command.
is like the pattern_value
, or is not like the pattern_value
, depending on the
absence or presence of the optional word NOT
column_name [NOT] LIKE pattern_value
This paragraph only applies on AIX systems.