Appendix A: UNIX Key Usage Chart

Because UNIX terminals vary widely, the keys documented in this manual might not be available on your keyboard. This appendix lists the actual keystrokes required to obtain the documented functions.

It also tells you how to select soft or hard operation for the Alt and Ctrl keys. With soft operation, the Alt or Ctrl key is automatically turned off after the next keystroke. This means that whenever you want a function from the Alt menu you must hold down Alt again to get the Alt menu displayed; and similarly with Ctrl.

With hard operation, the Alt and Ctrl keys work in a similar way to the Caps Lock key, in that having been pressed, they remain in effect until pressed again.

The following table lists the available functions, the key documented as resulting in that function, the keystrokes required to obtain each documented function, and whether the keystroke can be configured.



Mapped To


Alternate Menu (soft) Alt /a Yes
Alternate Menu (hard) Alt /x Yes
Control Menu (soft) Ctrl /c Yes
Control Menu (hard) Ctrl /z Yes
/ / // Yes
Escape Escape /@ Yes
F1 F1 /1 No
F2 F2 /2 No
F3 F3 /3 No
F4 F4 /4 No
F5 F5 /5 No
F6 F6 /6 No
F7 F7 /7 No
F8 F8 /8 No
F9 F9 /9 No
F10 F10 /0 No
F11 F11 /- No
F12 F12 /= No
Backspace Backspace /b Yes
Backtab Backtab /T Yes
Caps Lock (upper case) Caps Lock /u Yes
Delete Del /d Yes
End End /e Yes
Help F1 /? Yes
Home Home /h Yes
Insert Ins /i Yes
Interrupt Ctrl+Break User Defined (see Note 2) n/a
Left Shift Shift /l Yes
Maphelp   /m Yes
Num Lock Num Lock /# Yes
Page Up Page-Up /p Yes
Page Down Page-Down /n Yes
Refresh Refresh /| Yes
Right Shift Shift /r Yes
Scroll Lock Scroll /s Yes
Tab Tab /t Yes


  1. Tab is the only case-sensitive keystroke. By default, lower-case Tab (/t) provides Tab, with upper-case Tab (/T) providing Backtab.

  2. The interrupt key can be defined as follows:
    stty intr ^C

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