Language Reference - Additional Topics
Table of Contents
Chapter 11: Microsoft COBOL V1.0 and V2.0 Syntax Support
11.1 Special Registers LIN and COL
11.2 Environment Division
11.2.1 The Special-Names Paragraph
11.3 Data Division
11.3.1 The USAGE Clause
11.4 Procedure Division
11.4.1 The Position-Specification Phrase
11.4.2 The ACCEPT Statement
11.4.3 The DISPLAY Statement
11.4.4 The EXHIBIT Statement
11.5 Microsoft V2.0 Additional Syntax Support
11.5.1 Record LOCKING
11.5.2 OPEN LOCKING Statement
11.5.3 READ Statement (in Manual mode)
11.5.4 START Statement