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Server Instance Properties: XA Resources

Use this page to view a list of the external resource managers registered with the currently selected server. From this page you can also:

To access this page:

  1. On the server instance screen, select the Server > Properties > XA Resources tabs.

Shows the resource manager ID, used internally to identify a particular XA configuration.


Shows the name by which the resource manager is known.


Shows the location of the executable file (.dll on Windows),(.sl on HP-UX PA-RISC, .so on other UNIX platforms) that contains the entry point that returns the xa_switch_t structure to the enterprise server.

Open string

Shows the string that is passed to the resource manager on the xa_open() call. It usually contains at least the database name, and the user ID and password for connecting to the database. The contents of this string are database-specific.

Close string

Shows the string that is passed to the resource manager on the xa_close() call.


Shows an optional text description of the resource manager definition.


Click this to add a resource manager.


Shows the status of the resource manager. A tick indicates that it is enabled.

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