CFLI [/Fcccccccc] [/Dfilename] [/Ccharset] [/Kkey]
Entering the transaction name CFLE, CFLI, or CFLS on its own displays the main selection menu listing all the files that have FCT entries in the region.
You can select the file you want to edit from this list.
displays all file names beginning with 'T' and
displays all file names whose third character is 'S'.
displays the edit screen for file TSTAKSDS positioned on the first record.
displays the edit screen for file TSTEKSDS as an EBCDIC file.
For example:
displays the edit screen for file TSTEKSDS as an EBCDIC file positioned at the record with key 2222.
If you specify both the /F and /D parameters, on leaving the edit screen the list of files defined by the /F parameter is displayed on the main selection screen.
The CFLI transaction has no security restrictions and can be used by any user. It allows read access to local KSDS, ESDS, and RRDS files.
The CFLE transaction can be used only by a signed-on user (if security is turned on). It allows read and update access to local and remote KSDS, ESDS, and RRDS files. It also allows changes to the status of files in a similar way to the CFMT transaction.
The CFLS transaction has all the facilities of CFLE plus the ability to edit sequential files. It is installed in the group DFHOPER and cannot be used by any user when security is turned on. (You must copy the PCT entry to your own group and set the appropriate security keys for your installation.)