On an XA call failure a message is displayed in the log containing :
111012 14063540 1924 XATEST CASXO0004S Resource Manager for resource DB7R Transaction end failed: reason -00007, XID: MF_CASDEMOXATEST 000012000000000000000001000001 14:06:35 The XA End call for resources DB7R failed with return code -00007includes the following information:
Refer to the specific database documentation for recommendations on the action to take when transactions might have failed.
The XID transaction identifier consists of the following parts:
Element | Length | Description |
fxid-id | 6 char | Constant |
xid-sysid | 4 char | System identifier (SYSID of your enterprise server) |
xid-applid | 8 char | Region name (APPLID) |
xid-tran-no | 6 numeric | CICS task number |
xid-mgr-id | 18 numeric | Position of this resource manager in the resource manager table |
xid-branch-no | 6 numeric | Branch number |
MF_CASDEMOCICS-FS 000049000000000000000001000001is made up of the following:
If you have enabled resource manager interface or exit traces, or if an XA call fails (in which case traces are unconditionally written) you can trace XA calls. Some examples follow.
Succesful START call uExit(NJFXA1..) 288 61 11100 40 e90181 9171356 <NJFX A1..> 4e4a4658 41310000 SEP dfheserv(dfhcpuex) XA(start) 290 61 11100 6d 6d0183 9171356 <XA-- STRT> 58412d2d 53545254 SEP dfhexa() XA-ID(NJFXA1..) 291 61 11100 6d 6d0282 9171356 <NJFX A1..> 4e4a4658 41310000 SEP dfhexa() XA-StartT( 61 )Br( 1 ) 292 61 11100 6d 6da081 9171356 <...= ....> 0000003d 00000001 SEP dfhexa() XA-Start( 0 ) 293 61 11100 6d 6d1182 9171356 <XSTR ....> 58535452 00000000 SEP dfhexa() XA-Return( 0 ) 294 61 11100 6d 6d0384 9171356 <XARC ....> 58415243 00000000 SEP dfhexa()
uExit(NJFXA1..) 120 57 11100 40 e90181 9165273 <NJFX A1..> 4e4a4658 41310000 SEP dfheserv(dfhcpuex) XA(T-Sync) 122 57 11100 6d 6d0183 9165273 <XA-T SYNC> 58412d54 53594e43 SEP dfhexa() XA-ID(NJFXA1..) 123 57 11100 6d 6d0282 9165273 <NJFX A1..> 4e4a4658 41310000 SEP dfhexa() XA-CommitRC( 4 ) 124 57 11100 6d 6d5082 9165273 <XCOM ....> 58434f4d 00000004 SEP dfhexa() XA-CommitRC( 4 ) 125 57 11100 6d 6d52f9 9165273 <COMM ....> 434f4d4d 00000004 SEP dfhexa() XA-Return( 1 ) 130 57 11100 6d 6d0384 9165313 <XARC ....> 58415243 00000001 SEP dfhexa() XA-StartT( 61 )Br( 1 ) 292 61 11100 6d 6da081 9171356 <...= ....> 0000003d 00000001 SEP dfhexa()
The XID for the failing transaction is MF_CASDEMOCICS-FS 00006 0000000000000000001000001.