You can also relocate the short-lived named pipes; however, there is usually no good reason for doing this, since any named pipes that are not destroyed by License Manager - perhaps because of a system failure of some kind - are anyway automatically deleted during the normal purge of the system temporary directory that occurs on most systems.
If you do want to relocate the transient named pipes you must set the environment variable LMFTEMP; the format is:
where directory is the full pathname of the directory that is to be used by License Manager to place its transient named pipes. This environment variable must be set before your job executes the command to start License Manager. For example:
LMFTEMP=/usr/templmf export LMFTEMP
The directory specified by LMFTEMP must have full read/write/execute permission for all users who will be using the licensed development system. In addition, all development system users must also set LMFTEMP in their own environment to the same value as that used by License Manager. If this is not done, then users will be unable to contact License Manager and obtain a license unit.