The Agent Manager scans the managed agents for pending upgrades every day at 2.05 A.M. You can also force the Agent Manager to scan the agents to check for pending upgrades. If any pending upgrades are detected, approve these agents to complete the upgrade.
To upgrade the managed agents:
(Optional) Initiate the Agent Manager scan for pending upgrades to the agents:
In the left pane, expand Agent Manager Console (Default) > Configuration, click Global Settings.
In the right pane, double-click Central Computers.
In the Global Central Computer Setting (AgentManager) window, click Managed Computer Scan > Scan managed computers now.
To view the list of agents with pending upgrades, expand Pending Agents, click Installation.
To refresh the list of agents, click Action> Refresh.
To approve the agents with pending upgrades, click Action > Approve All Pending Installations.
(Conditional) If the Agent Manager displays a restart warning, click OK to restart the agent computer.
To install the upgrades to the approved agents, click Action > Install All Approved Agent Now.
To view the upgrade status of the agents, click Action > Refresh until Agent Manager finishes upgrading all agents.