21.4 Revoking the Certificate and Adding to the CRL

To revoke the certificate and add it to the CRL:

  1. Create a directory for CRL:

    mkdir /etc/<CRL_directory> 
  2. Switch to the created directory:

    cd /etc/<CRL_directory>
  3. Create the index file for CRL:

    touch index.txt
  4. Create a temporary CRL number file:

    echo 00 > pulp_crl_number
  5. Edit the file openssl.cnf present in the directory /etc/ssl/ (on SLES) or /etc/pki/tls/ (on RHEL).

    NOTE:If the file path is not known, execute the command openssl version -a | grep OPENSSLDIR to find the directory containing openssl.cnf file.

    database = /etc/<CRL_directory>/index.txt
    crlnumber = /etc/<CRL_directory>/pulp_crl_number

    (Optional) You can create your own config file with the required configuration for the CRL.

  6. Convert the certificate to be revoked into crt format:

    openssl pkcs12 -in <certificate in p12 format> -clcerts -nokeys -out <certificate_name.crt>
  7. Revoke the certificate:

    openssl ca -revoke <certificate_name.crt> 
    -keyfile <private_key> -cert
    <X.509 certificate>
  8. Generate the CRL file for the revoked certificate:

    openssl ca -gencrl -keyfile <private_key> 
    -cert <X.509 certificate> -out /etc/
  9. Add the revoked certificate to the existing CRL file:

    1. Run the following command:

      cat <sentinel_installation_path>/etc/opt/
      novell/sentinel/config/<Sentinel CRL File Name>
      crl.pem > temp.pem
    2. Run the following command:

      mv temp.pem <sentinel_installation_path>/etc/opt/
      novell/sentinel/config/<Sentinel CRL File Name>

      The <Sentinel CRL File Name> can be referred from the property sentinel.webserver.crlfile key, which is available in <sentinel_installation_path>/etc/opt/novell/sentinel/config/configuration.properties

  10. (Conditional) If there are more than one certificates be revoked, repeat Step 6 to Step 9 for each of the certificates.

  11. Restart the Sentinel server.