32.1 Cleaning Up Data From PostgreSQL When Migration Fails

If the migration fails, you must delete the data that has been partially moved to the PostgreSQL database and then run the migration script again.

WARNING:Do not perform this procedure if migration is successful. This script deletes all the migrated data.

To clean up the partially migrated data:

  1. Ensure that the PostgreSQL database is up and running.

  2. Log in to the Sentinel server as the novell user.

  3. Go to the location where you have extracted the Sentinel installer or migration utility.

  4. Run the ./db_migration_failure_cleanup.sh script to delete the partially migrated data.

  5. Run the rm db_migration_failure_cleanup.sh command to delete the db_migration_failure_cleanup.sh file.

    To continue with the traditional upgrade, see Section 30.0, Upgrading Sentinel Traditional Installation.

    To continue with the appliance upgrade, migrate data from MongoDB to PostgreSQL. For information, see Migrating Data from MongoDB to PostgreSQL.