To install and configure OpenSearch on external node:
Copy the JDK bundle from the Sentinel server at <sentinel_installation_path>/opt/novell/sentinel/jdk> to your external Opensearch node machine. For example, </foo/jdk>.Ensure that OpenSearch users and groups have access to this JDK.
Export JAVA_HOME to the copied location. For example, export JAVA_HOME="/foo/jdk".
Download the certified version of OpenSearch RPM (opensearch-<version>-linux-x64.rpm). For more information about the certified version of OpenSearch and the download URL, see the System Requirements page.
Install OpenSearch:
rpm -ivh opensearch.rpm
Complete the tasks as mentioned on-screen in the RPM post-installation instructions.
Set the file descriptors by adding the following properties in the /etc/security/limits.conf file:
opensearch hard nofile 65536
opensearch soft nofile 65536
opensearch soft as unlimited
NOTE:After you complete the above prerequisites, run the sysctl -p command to reload the changes made to the files.
Restart the OpenSearch.
systemctl restart opensearch.service
Repeat all of the above steps on each external OpenSearch nodes of the OpenSearch cluster.