When a Solution Pack is modified and saved through the Save or Save As options in the Solution Designer, it is considered to be a new version of the original Solution Pack. When the new version is imported, it replaces any older versions of the original Solution Pack. There is no immediate impact on any installed content in the target Sentinel system.
After the new Solution Pack is installed, its behavior varies, depending on the status of the original Solution Pack’s content.
If the content from the original Solution Pack was not installed yet, the content is simply replaced. When a user installs content, the new content is installed to the target Sentinel system.
If the content from the original Solution Pack was installed (Not Implemented), Implemented, or Tested, the original content is compared to the new content.
If the content version is the same, the original content is still valid and no action is necessary.
If the content version is different, the content status is set to Out of Sync. You must decide how to resolve the synchronization issue. For more information, see Out Of Sync Status.
If the content did not exist in the original Solution Pack, it is displayed in Solution Manager as not installed. You can install, implement, and test the new content.
If the content existed in the original Solution Pack but has been deleted from the modified Solution Pack, it does not appear in the Solution Manager.
NOTE:The Solution Manager only handles differences in the contents of Solution Packs. It does not recognize manual content changes that are performed after content is installed.