After creating an alert view you can customize the alert views or share these alerts with others. To work with alert views, you must access the alert views from your home page > Real time Views. You cannot perform the tasks listed in this section if you access Real time views from Sentinel Main.
You can perform the following tasks while analyzing alert views:
Customize the alerts displayed in the alert view as follows:
Filter alerts either by using an alert field or a combination of various alert fields.
Modify columns as per your requirement instead of the default columns. To modify columns as per your requirements:
Open an alert view.
Click Edit Columns.
Drag and drop the alert fields you want to display.
Click Save.
After you modify the columns, other users will see the modified columns instead of the default columns in the alert view.
Share alerts with other users as follows:
Select alerts and export it to a CSV file that you can share with other users. If you click Export without selecting any alert, all the alerts are exported to the CSV file.
Select the alerts you want to share, click Copy Alert link, and then share the alert link.