A work item can be accessed from any part of the main tabbed Sentinel Control Center interface.
You can process a work item in a group even if you have logged in as a different user. However, you cannot acquire a step if you have logged in as a different user.
The work item remains with the user of a group who has acquired it.
Consecutive steps are dependent. If two consecutive steps are assigned to the same role, the user who acquires the first step is also assigned the second step.
Non-consecutive steps are independent. For example, if a workflow proceeds from steps that are assigned to the Tier 1 Analyst group to the Tier 2 Analyst group and then back to the Tier 1 Analyst group, the third step is available to the entire Tier 1 Analyst group. It is not assigned to the individual user who handled the first step.
To process a work item, you must accept and complete the work item:
In the Work Item Summary, click the yellow or green bar. A work item list for the group or the current user displays.
To assign an iTRAC process to you, select the process and click Acquire.
The Work Item Summary changes from yellow to green.
NOTE:When you acquire (accept) a work item, it is removed from the queues of all other users in the same role. The work item can be returned to the group by clicking Release.
Click View Details.
The current step within a work item is highlighted in red.
To take action on the step, click the Process Details tab.
Depending on the type of variable (Integer, String, Boolean and Float) in a manual step, you can click the down-arrow and select a value. If needed, you can add comments or add an attachment.
In all other cases, the steps are automatic.
Click Complete to complete the process.
Completing the work item signals the completion of the task to the iTRAC server. The updateable variables from the work item are processed by the server to move to the next step, which depends on how the workflow is defined. The work item is removed from the user’s worklist and appears in the worklist of the individual or role associated with the next step in the process.