39.6 Resource Configuration

Resource Agents are provided by default with SLE HAE. If you do not want to use SLE HAE, you need to monitor these additional resources using an alternate technology:

  • A filesystem resource corresponding to the shared storage that the software uses.

  • An IP address resource corresponding to the virtual IP address by which the services will be accessed.

  • The PostgreSQL database software that stores configuration and event metadata.

Use the following procedure for resource configuration:

The crm script helps you for cluster configuration. The script pulls relevant configuration variables from the unattended setup file generated as part of the Sentinel installation. If you did not generate the setup file, or you wish to change the configuration of the resources, you can use the following procedure to edit the script accordingly.

  1. Connect to the original node on which you installed Sentinel.

    NOTE:This must be the node on which you ran the full Sentinel install.

  2. Edit the script so that it appears as follows, where <SHARED1> is the shared volume you created previously:

    mount /dev/<SHARED1> /var/opt/novell
    cd /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/novell
  3. (Conditional) You might have issues with the new resources coming up in the cluster. If you experience this issue, run the following command on node2:

    For SLES 11 SP4:

    /etc/rc.d/openais start

    For SLES 12 SP1:

    systemctl start pacemaker.service

  4. The install-resources.sh script will prompt you for a couple values, namely the virtual IP address that you would like people to use to access Sentinel and the device name of the shared storage, and then will auto-create the required cluster resources. Note that the script requires the shared volume to already be mounted, and also requires the unattended installation file which was created during Sentinel install to be present (/tmp/install.props). You do not need to run this script on any but the first installed node; all relevant config files will be automatically synced to the other nodes.

  5. If your environment varies from this recommended solution, you can edit the resources.cli file (in the same directory) and modify the primitives definitions from there. For example, the recommended solution uses a simple Filesystem resource; you may wish to use a more cluster-aware cLVM resource.

  6. After running the shell script, you can issue a crm status command and the output should look like this:

    crm status
    Last updated: Thu Jul 26 16:34:34 2012
    Last change: Thu Jul 26 16:28:52 2012 by hacluster via crmd on node1
    Stack: openais
    Current DC: node1 - partition with quorum
    Version: 1.1.6-b988976485d15cb702c9307df55512d323831a5e
    2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
    5 Resources configured.
    Online: [ node1, node2 ]
    stonith-sbd    (stonith:external/sbd):    Started node1
     Resource Group: sentinelgrp
         sentinelip    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):    Started node1
         sentinelfs    (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started node1
         sentineldb    (ocf::novell:pgsql):    Started node1
         sentinelserver    (ocf::novell:sentinel):    Started node1
  7. At this point the relevant Sentinel resources should be configured in the cluster. You can examine how they are configured and grouped in the cluster management tool, for example by running crm status.