23.2 Configuring the Tap To Switch User Feature

Perform the followings steps to configure the Tap to Switch User feature:

  1. Select the following features while installing SecureLogin:

    • In the Select the datastore for SecureLogin menu, select the Microsoft Active Directory option

    • In the Custom Setup menu, select Advanced Authentication and Desktop Automation Services.

    For more information about how to install SecureLogin, see SecureLogin CE 24.3 (v9.2) Installation Guide.

  2. Perform the following steps to configure the Kiosk Mode in SecureLogin:

    1. Click Start > Run to open the Run dialog box.

    2. Specify regedit and click OK to open Registry Editor.

    3. Navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Protocom > SecureLogin key.

    4. Right click and click New > DWORD.

    5. Rename the DWORD to NSLADAuth.

    6. Edit the NSLADAuth value to 1.

  3. Perform the following steps to configure DAS in SecureLogin:

    1. Open the DAS configuration file from the following path:

      C:\Program Files\NetIQ\SecureLogin\Desktop Automation Services\actions.xml

    2. Edit the TapCardSwitchUser attribute in the configuration file to enable tap to switch user operation.

      IMPORTANT:The TapCardSwitchUser attribute is used to restrict the card tap to switch users in the KIOSK mode. If this attribute value is set to true, then single card tap is required to switch the user. If this attribute value is set to false, then double card tap is required to switch the user.

      The following example shows a sample DAS configuration file with the TapCardSwitchUser attribute value set to true.

      <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <!DOCTYPE application-runner-script SYSTEM "ARS_1.0.dtd">
      <!-- KP Base Windows Action for Active Directory Mode Version: 1.02 -->
      <!-- Inactivity Counter is supposed to be working -->
      <action name="startup">
      <test-app-running application="sltray.exe">
      <AD-logout gina="false" />
      <!-- delay for NSL to successfully shutdown -->
      <pause interval="750" />
      <pause interval="750" />
      <!-- <kill-all-apps exclude-apps="slproto.exe:slwinsso.exe:slbroker.exe:explorer.exe:notepad.exe" /> -->
      <pause interval="750" />
      <run-application application="sltray.exe" parameters="" on-exit-action="" serial="true" interval="500"/>
      <hide-desktop />
      <pause interval="750" />
      <run-application application="sltray.exe" parameters="" on-exit-action="" serial="true" interval="500"/>
      <action name="showdesktop">
      <action name="SCLogoff">
      <AD-logout gina="false" />
      <!-- delay for NSL to successfully shutdown -->
      <pause interval="750" />
      <pause interval="750" />
      <!-- <kill-all-apps exclude-apps="slproto.exe:slwinsso.exe:slbroker.exe:explorer.exe:notepad.exe" /> -->
      <pause interval="750" />
      <run-application application="sltray.exe" parameters="" on-exit-action="" serial="true" interval="500"/>
      <action name="insert">
      <test-app-running application="sltray.exe">
      <run-application application="sltray.exe" parameters="" on-exit-action="" serial="true" interval="500"/>
      <on-Tap-cardmon action-name="SCLogoff" card-tapon="insert" LoginAction= "showdesktop" TapCardSwitchUser="true"/>

      For more information about how to configure DAS configuration, see Section 22.0, Administering Desktop Automation Services.

  4. Perform the following steps to configure DAS to start during Windows start up:

    1. Click Start > Run to open the Run dialog box.

    2. Specify regedit and click OK to open Registry Editor.

    3. Navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Run key.

    4. Right click and click New > String Value.

    5. Edit String Value and specify the DAS executable path in the Value data field. For example, specify DAS : C:\Program Files\NetIQ\SecureLogin\Desktop Automation Services\ARS.exe startup in the Value data field.

      NOTE:The startup parameter in the DAS executable path is the additional parameter used in DAS to invoke a default action defined in the actions.xml DAS configuration file during Windows startup.

    6. Restart the Windows.