The following procedure illustrates the steps to configure a reflection for IBM 3270 terminal as an example:
Launch the Reflection workspace.
In Create New Document, select 3270 terminal as the session template.
Click Create.
Specify host name where the terminal is listening to and device name.
Specify Terminal /Device type. In this example, specify IBM -3278-&M.
Keep the default values of other settings.
Click OK.
An untitled session file is created in the .rd3x format.
To determine which type of the terminal you are using, perform the following steps:
Open the session in Reflection.
Verify the file extension in the session tab to determine which terminal you are using.
In the Reflection workspace, click Macro > Reflection Objects > Modules > Module1 (as this is the first module under the same session).
Select Declarations.
The VB Editor window opens.
Create a sample VB script.
Click Tools > References.
Click Browse and select slVBA Type Library.
Continue with Creating a Macro.