4.3 Upgrading the Docker Deployment of Secure API Manager

You can upgrade your Docker deployment of Secure API Manager if you have Secure API Manager 2.1.1, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5, and Access Manager already installed.

  1. Access the terminal of a node in the Secure API Manager cluster.

  2. Change to the directory:

    cd /var/opt/microfocus/sapim/
  3. Execute the following script as an administrator user:

    ./sapim-upgrade.sh (version target) (username) (password) (namespace)

    For example:

    ./sapim-upgrade.sh 2.2.0 admin password mfsecurity

    IMPORTANT:The upgrade takes time. The upgrade continues to run in the background after the script completes. Allow the upgrade to complete before performing any other actions.

  4. To verify that the upgrade completed successfully, view the upgrade.log file located here:


    A successful upgrade.log contains the following entries:

  5. Repeat the steps on each node in the cluster.

  6. (Conditional) If you import the Docker deployment, you must run an Update All in Access Manager on each Docker deployment that you imported.