This parameter specifies the text of an answerback message that is sent to the host in response to an ENQ character. This text is linked to the Answerback message box in the Advanced VT Terminal Items dialog box. (The name of the parameter derives from the mnemonic for the VT terminal's "Load Answerback Message" control sequence.) The declans parameter applies to VT emulations only.
Any string
<param name="declans" value="Hello world.">
This parameter indicates the ultimate host to which the Reflection security proxy server connects. This parameter is valid only when user authorization is enabled on the proxy server; otherwise, the destination host and port are predefined by the proxy server for a given server port. The value -1 can be used to indicate that the user may specify a destination host at runtime; in this case, the DestinationName and DestinationPort parameters must both be -1.
This parameter is used in conjunction with the securityEnabled
parameter, and is valid for dynamically generated sessions. When the HTML is delivered to the user, the DestinationName and DestinationPort parameters are removed from the HTML to hide the name and port of the ultimate destination host if the user views the HTML source from the web browser.
The recommended method for configuring most settings is to use the dialog box equivalents where available. In these cases, parameters should be restricted to scripted sessions. The equivalent setting for the DestinationName parameter is Destination host.
The name of the actual destination host to which the proxy server will connect
<param name="DestinationName" value="myHost">
This parameter indicates the ultimate port to which the Reflection security proxy server connects. DestinationPort is valid only when user authorization is enabled on the proxy server; otherwise, the destination host and port are predefined by the proxy server for a given server port. The value -1 can be used to indicate that the user may specify a destination port at runtime; in this case, the DestinationName and DestinationPort parameters must both be -1.
This parameter is used in conjunction with the securityEnabled parameter, and is valid for dynamically generated sessions. When the HTML is delivered to the user, both DestinationName and DestinationPort parameters are removed from the HTML to hide the name and port of the ultimate destination host if the user views the HTML source from the web browser.
The name of the actual destination port to which the proxy server will connect
<param name="DestinationPort" value="23">
This parameter is only used with IBM terminal emulation. This parameter specifies the device name (also known as an LU--logical unit) or pool to use when the session connects to the host. If no device or pool is specified for a terminal session, the host dynamically assigns an LU to the session.
The recommended method for configuring most settings is to use the dialog box equivalents where available. In these cases, parameters should be restricted to scripted sessions. Otherwise, use an equivalent setting for the deviceName parameter, such as Specify device name.
<any valid device name>
<param name="deviceName" value="LU12orion">
<param name="deviceName" value="NWpool">
This parameter turns off the automatic repeat feature for a specified key or keys.
A whitespace-delimited string of decimal numbers that correspond to any KeyEvent names. KeyEvent names are available in the JDK's KeyEvent source. Note that values must be specified in decimal rather than hexadecimal form.
The following example disables autorepeat on the Enter/Return (VK_ENTER = \n = 10) and F1 (VK_F1 = 0X70 = 112) keys.
<param name="disableAutoRepeat" value="10 112">
This parameter specifies whether or not the Reflection session frame displays the device name established with the host. The default is false. This parameter applies to IBM terminal and printer emulators (IBM 3270, IBM 5250, IBM 3287, and IBM 3812) only.
false (Default)
<param name="displayDeviceName" value="true">
This parameter directs the terminal session to use SSL/TLS datastream encryption.
false (Default)
<param name="encryptStream" value="true">
This parameter applies to IBM 5250 emulation and controls whether a keyboard error is accompanied by an audible beep. If this parameter is not present, keyboard errors are reported quietly.
false (Default)
<param name="errorAlarm" value="true">
This parameter is valid only for VT terminal sessions. If users are having problems with the output from VT controller mode printing not properly aligning on the page, use the forceCRLF parameter to insert a carriage return (CR) and line feed (LF) when a <LF>
is received in the host data intended to be printed. Inserting a <CR><LF>
ensures each line of printer output starts at the left margin.
false (default)
<param name="forceCRLF" value="true">
This parameter determines the color of the text on the login and links list interface. To use this parameter, add it to the applet tag inReflectionData/ReflectionClient.html.
You can specify a color in one of three ways:
Hexadecimal -
<param name="foregroundColor" value="#CCCCCC">
RGB (red, green, blue) -
<param name="foregroundColor" value="204,204,204">
One of 13 named colors: black, blue, cyan, darkGray, gray, green, lightGray, magenta, orange, pink, red, white, and yellow -
<param name="foregroundColor" value="lightGray">
The default foreground color is black.
In the following applet tag, the background of the login form and links list interfaces is set to pale yellow.
<applet name="Launcher" code="com/wrq/rweb/Launcher.class" archive="Launcher.jar" codebase="./ex" width="500" height="440">
<param name="foregroundColor" value="0,51,102">
The frame parameter determines whether the terminal window is shown in a separate window. When frame is set to true, the session starts in a new window and the Reflection menu is available. When frame is set to false, the Reflection menu is unavailable unless you set the shortcutMenu parameter to true.
When frame is set to true, use the framewidth and frameheight parameters to determine the size of the separate terminal window. If frame is set to true and you do not include the framewidth and frameheight parameters, Reflection determines the best frame dimensions for each user based on the user's monitor resolution.
false (Default)
<param name="frame" value="false">
Together with framewidth, this parameter specifies the dimensions of the separate terminal window when frame is set to true. If frame is set to true and you do not include the framewidth and frameheight parameters, Reflection determines the best frame dimensions for each user based on the user's monitor resolution.
If frame is set to false, frameheight is ignored, and Reflection uses the applet height attribute to determine the height of the applet within the browser window.
<height in pixels>
<param name="frameheight" value="440">
Together with frameheight, this parameter specifies the dimensions of the separate terminal window when frame is set to true. If frame is set to true and you do not include the framewidth and frameheight parameters, Reflection determines the best frame dimensions for each user based on the user's monitor resolution.
If frame is set to false, framewidth is ignored, and Reflection uses the applet height attribute to determine the height of the applet within the browser window.
<width in pixels>
<param name="framewidth" value="660">
This parameter indicates the ultimate FTP server to which the Reflection security proxy server connects. This parameter is valid only when user authorization is enabled on the proxy server; otherwise, the destination host and port are predefined by the proxy server for a given server port.
This parameter is used in conjunction with the securityEnabledFTP parameter, and is valid for dynamically generated sessions. When the HTML is delivered to the user, the FTPDestinationName and FTPDestinationPort parameters are removed from the HTML to hide the name and port of the destination FTP server if the user views the HTML source from the web browser.
The name of the actual destination FTP server to which the proxy server will connect
<param name="FTPDestinationName" value="myHost">