
Using ECL

Even if you are not a Java programmer, you can still take advantage of many ECL features from JavaScript.

The JSAPI is the API documented in this section. API examples are shown using JavaScript; other scripting languages are typically similar in structure.

Because the API's focus is on logon tasks, it is recommended that you set all of your other configuration options using the Reflection terminal session menus, and then save those settings to a configuration file. See Configuring Reflection for the Web Sessions for more information about creating and using configuration files.

What you need to use the API

If you plan to write Java applets using the ECL API, you need a Java development environment, such as JetBrains Inc.'s IntelliJ IDEA, the NetBeans IDE or Eclipse. The development environment you use must also support Java version 1.8 or higher. The ECL documentation has more details about setting up your development environment.

You can learn more about language syntax and how to program in JavaScript and Java from online resources and publications.

How to use the API

Regardless of the scripting language you use when accessing the Reflection for the Web API, the basics are the same.

Timing issues when scripting Reflection

When working with the API, there are situations where timing and synchronization can become an issue between your script and the Reflection terminal session applet.

For example:

You want to automate a host logon procedure by transmitting a user name and password after the appropriate host prompts have been received. In this case, you need to wait for the appropriate host prompts before transmitting the responses.