API Reference
This is a list of Reflection for the Web API methods, properties, and dialog box constants. Properties are shown with their type (such as "String property") and read/write status; properties are manipulated using the "property accessor methods" listed below. Dialog box constants are used with the showDialog() method listed below. The list is arranged alphabetically.
A-B-C | D-E-F | G-H-I | J-K-L-M-N-O | P-Q-R-S | T-U-V-W-X
Dialog box constant. When used with the showDialog method, opens the About Reflection dialog box.
public void showDialog( "aboutBoxDialog")
Method. Closes the Reflection for the Web applet without invoking the Java class specified by an onExitJavaClass applet parameter.
public void apiExit()
Method. Transfers a file from an IBM mainframe to the desktop computer, using the APVUFILE transfer protocol. This method is valid only when using a double-byte enabled version of Reflection for the Web.
public int apvuReceiveFile( String localFile,
String hostFile,
int transferType,
boolean showStatus )
Method. Transfers a file from the desktop computer to an IBM mainframe, using the APVUFILE transfer protocol. This method is valid only when using a double-byte enabled version of Reflection for the Web.
public int apvuSendFile( String localFile, String hostFile,
int transferType,
boolean showStatus )
Property. This property determines whether Reflection automatically wraps to a new line if the host attempts to print a character beyond the edge of the host-defined page. Read/write.
Setter: public void setBoolean( "autoPrintLineFeed", boolean enable )
Getter: public boolean getBoolean( "autoPrintLineFeed" )
Dialog box constant. When used with the showDialog method, opens the Button Palette Setup dialog box.
Method. Cancels the current print job by sending a Cancel Print message to the host. The printer continues to print until all data already sent to the printer is done printing.
public void cancelPrintJob()
Dialog box constant. When used with the showDialog method, opens the Color Setup dialog box.
public void showDialog( "colorConfigure" )
Method. Establishes a connection to the host computer specified in the applet parameter hostURL. Via the API, you can use the getHostURL method to specify the host URL.
public void connect()
Property. Specifies the text of an answerback message that gets sent to the host in response to an ENQ character. This property is linked to the Answerback message box in the Advanced Terminal Setup dialog box. Read/write. The name of this property derives from the mnemonic for the VT terminal's "Load Answerback Message" control sequence.
Setter: public void setString( "declans", String message)
Getter: public String getString( "declans" )
Property. Indicates the device name (also known as the LU name) that the session is currently connected to. This property is linked to the Device name box in the Session Setup dialog box. Read/write.
Setter: public void setString("deviceName", String inDevice )
Getter: public String getString("deviceName")
Method. Disconnects the current session.
public void disconnect()
display (string, boolean)
Method. Displays a string of text in the terminal window at the current cursor position, without sending the text to the host computer (compare this with the transmitString method). This method can be handy for displaying informational messages in the terminal window.
public void display (String inString, boolean interpret)
Property. When this property is True (the default), a form feed in the data stream closes the current page and starts a new one. When this property is False, Reflection determines how many line feeds are required to reach the bottom of the page (as defined by the host) and then sends that many line feeds. Read/write.
Setter: public void setBoolean( "emulateFormFeed", boolean enable)
Getter: public boolean getBoolean( "emulateFormFeed" )
Property. Indicates whether hotspots are enabled or not. This property is linked to the Enable hotspots check box in the Hotspot Setup dialog box. Read/write.
Setter: public void setBoolean("enableHotspots", boolean enable)
Getter: public boolean getBoolean("enableHotspots")
Method. Closes the Reflection for the Web applet.
public void exit()
exportKeymap (OutputStream)
Method. Saves the terminal session's current keymap, independent of any preference or configuration information. Keymap files can be imported using the importKeymap API. This method is for use only from Java.
public boolean exportKeymap(OutputStream outStream)
Dialog box constant. When used with the showDialog method, opens the File Transfer Setup dialog box.
public void showDialog( "fileTransferConfigure")
findField (int, int, int)
Method. Finds a field with the specified attributes. You can then get the location, length, and contents of the found field using other API methods.
public boolean findField(int inRow,
int inCol,
int direction,
int inAttribute )
findText (String, int, int, boolean)
Method. Finds a text string in the terminal window. For this method to return True, the text must already be present on the display. If your goal is to find text that's either already on the display or will appear on the display from datacomm, use the waitForDisplayString method instead.
public boolean findText(String inString,
int inRow,
int inCol,
boolean ignoreCase)
Property. Reflection can mediate between the page width, as specified by the host, and the printer to assure that the printout will fit correctly on the page. Reflection does this by scaling. If the host does not define a page size, or if Override host page format is selected, the page width is derived from the Columns setting on the Page tab in the Print Setup dialog box.
Setter: public void setBoolean("fitHostPageX", boolean scaleWidth)
Getter: public boolean getBoolean("fitHostPageX")
Property. Reflection can mediate between the page height, as specified by the host, and the printer to assure that the printout will fit correctly on the page. Reflection does this by scaling. If the host does not define a page size, or if Override host page format is selected, the page height is derived from the Rows setting on the Page tab in the Print Setup dialog box.
Setter: public void setBoolean("fitHostPageY", boolean scaleHeight)
Getter: public boolean getBoolean("fitHostPageY")
Property. Indicates the last column number of a field located using the findField method. Read only.
public int getInteger( "foundFieldEndColumn")
Property. Indicates the last row number of a field located using the findField method. Read only.
public int getInteger("foundFieldEndRow")
Property. Indicates the length of a field located using the findField method. Read only.
public int getInteger("foundFieldLength")
Property. Gets the first column number of a field located using the findField method. Read only.
public int getInteger("foundFieldStartColumn")
Property. Gets the first row number of a field located using the findField method. Read only.
public int getInteger("foundFieldStartRow")
Property. Gets the starting column number in which the text string located using the findText method was found. Read only.
public int getInteger("foundTextStartColumn")
Property. Gets the starting row number in which the text string located using the findText method was found. Read only.
public int getInteger("foundTextStartRow")
ftpCd (String)
Method. Changes directories on the FTP server. This method is valid only after an FTP login is successful. If the FTP session is disconnected, then reconnected, the server directory must be set again. This method is useful when transferring multiple files using the ftpSendFiles and ftpReceiveFiles methods, which transfer files to and from the current local and server working directories.
public void ftpCd(String dir)
Dialog box constant. When used with the showDialog method, opens the FTP Connection Setup dialog box for configuring connections to an FTP server.
public void showDialog("ftpConfigure")
Dialog box constant. When used with the showDialog method, opens the FTP Select Default Directory dialog box for configuring the default working directories.
public void showDialog("ftpDefaultFolders")
ftpDisconnect ()
Method. Disconnects the current FTP session.
public boolean ftpDisconnect()
Method. Returns the text message from the FTP server received as a result from the last user command.
public String ftpGetLastServerResponse()
ftpLCd (String)
Method. Changes the current working directory on the local machine. This method is valid only after an FTP login is successful. If the FTP session is disconnected, then reconnected, the local directory must be set again. This method is useful when transferring multiple files using the ftpSendFiles and ftpReceiveFiles methods, which transfer multiple files to and from the current local and server working directories.
public void ftpLCd(String dir)
ftpLogin (String, String, String, boolean)
Method. Logs into an FTP or SFTP server in preparation for transferring files. This method supports both FTP and SFTP transfers, as well as FTP transfers through the Reflection security proxy server.
public boolean ftpLogin( String HostName,
String userName,
String passWord,
String acct,
boolean usePASV )
Dialog box constant. When used with the showDialog method, opens the FTP Options dialog box window for configuring FTP options.
public void showDialog("ftpOptions")
Property. Specifies the protocol to use for FTP file transfers. This property is linked to the Connection type drop-down menu in the Connection Setup dialog of the FTP client. Typically, you do not need to set this property unless you want to perform SFTP file transfers; the default value is for FTP transfers. Read/write.
Setter: public void setString("ftpProtocol", String protocol)
Getter: public String getString("ftpProtocol")
Method. Returns the current working directory on the FTP server. This method is useful when you are sending and receiving multiple files.
public String ftpPwd()
ftpReceiveFile (String, String, Int)
Method. Receives an FTP file.
public boolean ftpReceiveFile( String remoteFile,
String localFile,
int transferMethod )
ftpReceiveFiles (String, int)
Method. Receives multiple files using FTP.
public boolean ftpReceiveFiles( String remoteFiles,
int transferMethod )
ftpSendFile (String, string, boolean, int)
Method. Sends a file using FTP.
public boolean ftpSendFile( String remoteFile,
String localFile,
boolean mkDirectories,
int transferMethod )
ftpSendFiles (String, int)
Method. Sends multiple files using FTP.
public boolean ftpSendFiles(String localFiles, int transferMethod)
Dialog box constant. When used with the showDialog method, opens the FTP main window for performing file transfers between the desktop computer and an FTP server.
public void showDialog("ftpUI")
Method. Gets a reference to the API object on which all other API methods are invoked.
Property accessor method. Gets the value of a boolean property. This method is available in all session types, but the valid properties vary according to emulation.
public boolean getBoolean( String propName )
The name of the property whose value you want to get from the list of properties below.
Properties that can use this method:
Method. Gets the current screen coordinate numbering base, either 0-based or 1-based coordinates.
public int getCoordinateBase()
Method. Gets the terminal window display column in which the host cursor is currently located.
public int getCursorColumn()
Method. Gets the terminal window display row and column in which the host cursor is currently located.
public Dimension getCursorPosition()
Method. Gets the terminal window display row in which the host cursor is currently located.
public int getCursorRow()
getDisplayText (int, int,i nt, int, boolean, string)
Method. Gets text from the display. Form 1 of `getDisplayText`` lets you specify a starting row and column, an ending row and column, and whether the text selection should be linear or rectangular (see the Notes section below for examples of these types of selections); the text retrieved is formatted with the line ending characters you specify separating each line of display text.
Form 2 of getDisplayText
lets you specify a starting row and column and the number of characters to retrieve. If the number of characters remaining on the display line is less than the number of characters you request, only the characters remaining on the line are returned.
Form 1: public String getDisplayText( int inStartRow,
int inStartCol,
int inEndRow,
int inEndCol,
boolean isRect,
String inLineEnd )
Form 2: public String getDisplayText( int inStartRow,
int inStartCol,
int numCharacters )
getFieldText (int, int, int)
Method. Gets the contents of a host field from the display. You specify the row and column of the field whose text you want returned and the number of characters to retrieve. To use this method, first use the findField
method to find a field on the display with specific attributes. After the desired field is located, use the foundFieldStartRow
, foundFieldEndRow
, foundFieldStartColumn
, foundFieldEndColumn
, and foundFieldLength properties to determine the coordinates and length of the found field, and pass the appropriate values to the getFieldText
public String getFieldText(int inRow, int inCol, int inChars)
Method. Gets the host name for the current session. This property is linked to the Host name or IP address box in the Session Setup dialog box.
public String getHostName()
getHostStatusText (int, int)
Method. Gets text the host application has displayed on the status line. Returns a value only if the Status Line control in the Options Panel for the Terminal Setup dialog box is set to Host Writeable.
public String getHostStatusText(int inStartCol, int numCharacters)
Method. Gets the host URL for the current session, including the transport type, host name, and port. This lets you get all of the current host connection information with a single method. To get the individual values that comprise a host URL, use the getHostName
and getPort
methods, and the transportType
public String getHostURL()
Method. Indicates whether the Reflection terminal session applet has been fully initialized. You should not attempt to make other API calls until you're sure that the session is initialized, which you can determine with this method. Read only.
public int getInitialized()
Property accessor method. Gets the value of an integer property. This method is available in all session types, but the valid properties vary according to emulation.
public int getInteger( String propName)
Properties that can use this method:
Method. Gets the protocol port for the current session. This property is linked to the Port box in the Session Setup dialog box.
public int getPort()
Method. Gets the name of the folder to which printer output is directed when printing to a file. Use the method getPrintToFileName
to get the name of the file that is to receive the print output. This method is relevant only when the printToFile
property is set to True.
public String getPrintToFileFolder()
Method. Gets the name of the file in which printer output is saved when printing to a file. Use the method getPrintToFile
Folder to get the name of the folder in which the output file is stored. This method is relevant only when the printToFile
property is set to True.
public String getPrintToFileName()
Property accessor method. Gets the value of a String property. This method is available in all session types, but the valid properties vary according to emulation.
public String getString( String propName)
Properties that can use this method:
declans (load answerback message)
Property. Determines whether keystrokes typed by the user into the terminal display should be processed as usual or should be ignored. During lengthy scripting operations, it may be desirable to have user keystrokes ignored so they do not interfere with the operation. After the scripting operation is complete, user typing can be re-enabled. When user typing is ignored, only keystrokes entered in the terminal display are ignored; accelerator keys used to trigger menu commands are still processed. Read/write.
Setter: public void setBoolean( "ignoreUserTyping", boolean ignore)
Getter: public boolean getBoolean("ignoreUserTyping")
importKeymap (InputStream)
Method. Opens a keymap and applies it to the current session. A keymap file can be created with the exportKeymap API. This method is for use only from Java; see the Notes section below for more information.
public boolean importKeymap( InputStream inStream)
indReceiveFile (String, string, boolean, boolean)
Method. Transfers a file from an IBM mainframe to the desktop computer, using the IND$FILE transfer protocol. Currently, only structured field IND$FILE transfers are supported.
public int indReceiveFile(String localFile, String hostFile, boolean isASCII, boolean showStatus)
indSendFile (String, string, boolean, boolean)
Method. Transfers a file from the desktop computer to an IBM mainframe, using the IND$FILE transfer protocol. Currently, only structured field IND$FILE transfers are supported.
public int indSendFile(String localFile, String hostFile, boolean isASCII, boolean showStatus
Method. Indicates whether the session currently has a host connection.
public boolean isConnected()
Dialog box constant. When used with the showDialog method, opens the Keyboard Setup dialog box.
public void showDialog( "keyMapConfigure")
Dialog box constant. This constant was removed starting with Reflection for the Web version 4.1, because the Terminal Keyboard Options dialog box was removed.
Method. Loads the specified Java class to run as an "attachment class." Java attachment classes are a feature of the Reflection Emulator Class Library (ECL) that allow Java code to attach to the currently running terminal session and perform automated tasks. This method is equivalent to the Load Java Class command in the Macro menu.
public void loadJavaClass( String className)
Dialog box constant. When used with the showDialog method, opens the Mouse Setup dialog box.
public void showDialog( "mouseMapConfigure")
playbackMacro (macroName)
Method. Plays back a previously recorded macro.
public boolean playbackMacro(String macroName)
Property. By default, Reflection uses enough space for two single-byte columns to print one column of double-byte data. For example, if you've set up your page for 80 columns, you'll be able to print 40 columns of double-byte data. This parameter gives you the option of printing two double-byte columns in the same amount of space as three single-byte columns. So if you set up your page for 80 columns, you'll be able to print about 53 columns of double-byte data. Read/write.
Setter: public void setString("printDBCSScale", String ratio)
Getter: public String getString("printDBCSScale")
Dialog box constant. When used with the showDialog method, opens the Print Setup dialog box.
public void showDialog( "printerConfigure")
Property. Indicates whether printer output is to be directed to a printer or to a text file. This property is linked to the Send output to printer and Send output to file options in the Print Setup dialog box. By default, Send output to printer is selected and this property is False, and printer output is directed to a printer.
Setter: public void setBoolean("printToFile", boolean enable)
Getter: public boolean getBoolean("printToFile")
Method. Requests that the Reflection terminal window should receive the input focus. If you include buttons or other form elements on your web page to perform actions via the API, you can use this method to return input focus to the Reflection session so the user can type at the terminal cursor; otherwise, the input focus may remain on the form element, and a mouse click in the terminal window is required to give focus back to the Reflection session.
public void requestDisplayFocus()
Method. Resets the session settings in the user preference file to the defaults established by the administrator. The user preference file contains the user's personal Reflection terminal session customizations and is stored on each user's computer. The resetUserPreferences method resets the preference file for the session by replacing the file with one containing no preference information. After the preference file is reset, the Reflection session must be restarted for the default session settings to take effect.
The specific settings that can be stored in the user preference file depend on the options that the administrator has selected for user preferences; see Configuring Reflection: User Preferences for more information about user preferences.
Preference files are stored on the user's computer in the reflectionweb sub folder under the user home folder. The user home varies according to operating system, browser, and virtual machine. To find the home folder for a given operating system/browser/virtual machine combination, look for USER_HOME in the Java console.
The name of the user preference file that gets reset is based on the value of the applet's prefsName parameter, and if that doesn't exist, on the name attribute in the applet
tag of the web page, with a ".pref" extension added. For example, if the name attribute for the applet is IBM3270Applet, the name of the preferences file will be IBM3270Applet.pref. Avoid naming an applet using characters that are invalid for the desktop platform's file naming convention; for example, Windows operating systems do not allow file names to contain these characters: \ / : * ? " < > |.
public void resetUserPreferences() throws IOException
Method. Saves the current session settings to the user preference file, a file contains the user's personal Reflection terminal session customizations and is stored on each user's computer.
The settings that can be stored depend on the options that the administrator has selected in Reflection's Set User Preference Rules dialog box (available from the Administration menu)--if no preference rules are configured, an empty user preference file is saved.
Preference files are stored on the user's computer in the reflectionweb sub folder under the user home folder. The user home varies according to operating system, browser, and virtual machine. To find the home folder for a given operating system/browser/virtual machine combination, look for USER_HOME in the Java console.
The name of the user preference file is based on the value of the applet's prefsName parameter, and if that doesn't exist, on the name attribute in the applet
tag of the web page, with a ".pref" extension added. For example, if the name attribute for the applet is IBM3270Applet, the name of the preferences file will be IBM3270Applet.pref. Avoid naming an applet using characters that are invalid for the desktop platform's file naming convention; for example, Windows operating systems do not allow file names to contain these characters: \ / : * ? " < > |.
If the applet
tag does not define a name attribute, a user preference file will not be saved.
To disable the loading of the user preference file, set the loadUserPrefs parameter in the
public void saveUserPreferences() throws IOException
Method. Prints the contents of the terminal window display, using the options selected in the Print Setup dialog box.
public void screenPrint()
Dialog box constant. When used with the showDialog method, opens the Session Setup dialog box.
public void showDialog( "sessionConfigure")
setBoolean (String, boolean)
Property accessor method. Sets the value of a boolean property. This method is available in all session types, but the valid properties vary according to session type.
public void setBoolean( String propName, boolean value)
Value - The value to set the property to--either True or False.
Properties that can use this method:
Method. Specifies whether methods that perform operations using screen coordinates should use 0-based numbering or 1-based numbering.
public void setCoordinateBase( int base)
setCursorPosition (int,int)
Method. Moves the host cursor to the specified position.
public void setCursorPosition(int inRow, int inCol)
setHostURL (String)
Method. Sets the host URL for the current session, including the transport, host name, and port. If you use this method to change the host URL after a connection has already been established, the new value does not take effect until you disconnect then reconnect.
public void setHostURL(String hostURL) throws MalformedURLException
setInteger (String, int)
Property accessor method. Sets the value of an integer property. This method is available in all session types, but the valid properties vary according to the sessions type.
public void setInteger( String propName, int value)
setPrintToFileFolder (String)
Method. Sets the name of the folder to which printer output is directed when the output is sent to a file. Use the method setPrintToFileName to set the name of the file that should receive the print output. This method is relevant only when the printToFile property is set to True.
public void setPrintToFileFolder(String folderName)
setPrintToFileName (String)
Method. Sets the name of the file to which printer output is to be sent. Use the method setPrintToFileFolder to set the name of the folder in which the output file is to be stored. This method is relevant only when the printToFile property is set to True
public void setPrintToFileName(String fileName)
setString (String, string)
Property accessor method. Sets the value of a String property. This method is available in all session types, but the valid properties vary according to session type.
Properties that can use this method:
public void setString(String propName,String value)
Property. Indicates how SFTP connections should handle unknown hosts. This property is linked to the Allow unknown hosts options in the Secure Shell Client Settings dialog box for FTP. The default value of 2, "ask," causes Reflection to prompt when encountering a host whose authenticity cannot be established. If you are automating a logon procedure and do not want the user to receive any prompts during the logon, set the value of this property to 0, for "always allow." Read/write.
Setter: public void setInteger( "sftpAllowUnknownHost",int value)
Getter: public int getInteger("sftpAllowUnknownHost")
showDialog (String)
Method. Opens the specified dialog box. This method is available in all seesion types, but the valid dialog box names vary according to emulation
public void showDialog(String dialog)
These dialog boxes can be opened using this method:
The showDialog method opens Reflection dialog boxes asynchronously; it does not wait for the user to close the dialog box before continuing. This means that you can issue other Reflection method calls and perform other script actions while a dialog box is open. In addition, this method does not return any result codes to indicate how the user closed the dialog box (for example, by clicking OK or Cancel).
Property. Indicates whether hotspots are set to show on the terminal window display or are set to be hidden. This property is linked to the Show hotspots check box in the Hotspot Setup dialog box. Read/write.
Setter: public void setBoolean( "showHotspots", boolean visible)
Getter: public boolean getBoolean( "showHotspots")
Property. Indicates how SSH connections should handle unknown hosts. This property is linked to the Allow unknown hosts options in the Secure Shell Client Settings dialog box. The default value of 2, "ask," causes Reflection to prompt when encountering a host whose authenticity cannot be established. If you are automating a logon procedure and do not want the user to receive any prompts during the logon, set the value of this property to 0, for "always allow." Read/write.
Setter: public void setInteger( "sshAllowUnknownHost", int value)
Getter: public int getInteger( "sshAllowUnknownHost")
Property. Indicates whether the terminal session has an encrypted connection. Read only.
public boolean getBoolean( "streamIsEncrypted")
Dialog box constant. When used with the showDialog method, opens the Terminal Setup dialog box.
public void showDialog("terminalConfigure")
Property. Indicates the terminal model of the current terminal session. This property is linked to the Terminal model list in the Session Setup dialog box. Read/write.
Setter: public void setString( "terminalModel", String model)
Getter: public String getString("terminalModel")
transmitString (String)
Method. Transmits a string of characters to the host as if the user had typed the string at the current cursor position. (Compare this with the display method).
public void transmitString( String inString)
Method. Transmits a single non-character keystroke to the host as if the user had pressed that key on the host keyboard
public void transmitTerminalKey( int inKey)
Property. Gets the transport type of the current session. This property is linked to the Type list in the Transport options section of the Session Setup dialog box. Read only.
public String getString( "transportType")
waitForCursorEntered (int, int, long)
Method. Waits for the cursor to enter a specific row and column location in the terminal window.
public boolean waitForCursorEntered( int inRow, int inCol, long timeout)
waitForCursorLeft (int, int, long)
Method. Waits for the cursor to leave a specific row and column location in the terminal window.
public boolean waitForCursorLeft(int inRow, int inCol, long timeout)
waitForDisplayString (String, long)
Method. Waits for a string of characters to appear in the terminal window, and optionally, at a specific row and column. For HP emulators, if you want to wait for a string to appear in the datacomm stream (which may also include non-printing characters such as control characters), use the waitForString
or waitForHostPrompt
methods instead. For VT emulators, if you want to wait for a string to appear in the datacomm stream (which may also include non-printing characters such as control characters), use the waitForString
method instead.
Form 1: public boolean waitForDisplayString(String inString, long timeout)
Form 2: public boolean waitForDisplayString(String inString, int inRow, int inCol, long timeout)
waitForDisplayStrings (Vector, long)
Method. Waits for one or more strings of characters to appear in the terminal window. In HP and VT sessions, waitForDisplayStrings
returns true if one of the strings appears in the visible terminal window or in the text that has scrolled off the screen into the scrollback buffer. If you are using one of these emulators and want to wait for strings to appear in the datacomm stream (which may include non-printing characters such as control characters), use the waitForStrings
method. For HP emulators, you can also use the waitForHostPrompt
method, which waits for the specified string plus the host prompt character.
public int waitForDisplayStrings(Vector inStrings, long timeout)
waitForHostPrompt (String, long)
Method. Waits until the specified string plus the host prompt character is received in the incoming datastream. The HP host prompt character (typically a DC1 character that follows the MPE colon prompt) indicates that the host is ready to receive input. If no host prompt character is being used or the host prompt is disabled (with Inhibit handshake and Inhibit DC2 in the Advanced HP Terminal Items dialog box of the Terminal Setup dialog box), this method waits for only the specified string, acting exactly like the waitForString
method. You can configure which host prompt character to wait for, and whether the host prompt character is used, with the Host prompt and Use host prompt options in the Advanced HP Terminal Items dialog box of the Terminal Setup dialog box.
public boolean waitForHostPrompt(String inString,long timeout)
waitForIncomingData (long)
Method. Waits until any data is received from the host. Although this method is available in any type of emulation, it is used primarily with VT and HP sessions.
public boolean waitForIncomingData(long timeout)
waitForKeyboardLock (long, long)
Method. Waits a specified time for the keyboard to be locked for a specified duration.
public boolean waitForKeyboardLock(long duration, long timeout)
waitForKeyboardUnlock (long, long)
Method. Waits a specified time for the keyboard to be unlocked for a specified duration.
public boolean waitForKeyboardUnlock(long duration, long timeout)
waitForString (String, long)
Method. Waits for a string of characters to appear in the incoming datastream. In contrast to the waitForDisplayString
method, which waits for characters to appear in the terminal window, this method allows you to wait for characters that may not appear in the terminal window, such as escape sequences and other non-printing characters. For IBM sessions, use waitForDisplayString
instead of this method.
public boolean waitForString(String inString,long timeout)
waitForDisplayString (String, boolean)
Method. Waits for one or more character strings to appear in the incoming datastream. In contrast to the waitForDisplayStrings
method, which waits for characters to appear in the terminal window, this method allows you to wait for characters that may not appear in the terminal window, such as escape sequences and other non-printing characters. For IBM sessions, use waitForDisplayString
public int waitForStrings(Vector inStrings,long timeout)
waitWhileDisplayString (String, int, int, long, boolean)
Method. Waits for a string to leave the display. If the string is not already on the display when this method is called, the method returns True immediately (that is, the string has "left" the display because it was never there to begin with). This method is typically used after determining that a desired string is in place on the display; for instance, as the result of calling the waitForDisplayString
or FindText
Form 1: public boolean waitWhileDisplayString(String inString, boolean caseSens)
Form 2: public boolean waitWhileDisplayString(String inString, long timeout)
Form 3: public boolean waitWhileDisplayString(String inString,int inRow, nt inCol,long timeout boolean caseSens)
xfr400ReceiveFile (String, string, boolean)
Method. Transfers data from an AS/400 host to the desktop computer, using the data transfer feature.
public int xfr400ReceiveFile(String localFile,String hostFile, boolean showStatus)
xfr400SendFile (String, string, boolean)
Method. Transfers data from the desktop computer to an AS/400 host, using the data transfer feature.
public int xfr400SendFile(String localFile,String hostFile, boolean showStatus)