After installing Reflection for the Web, you need to update specific activation files to ensure continued operation of your installed components and add-on products. Management and Security Server checks for version compatibility and may block operation until the activation files are updated.
The Reflection for the Web components and the Management and Security Server add-on products include:
Security Proxy
Terminal ID Manager
Automated Sign-On for Mainframe Add-On
Micro Focus Advanced Authentication Add-On
To upgrade:
From your download location, download the current activation files for your components and add-on products.
Place the activation files in the same directory as the Reflection for the Web installer.
Run the Reflection for the Web installer.
The activation files will be propagated to the expected locations for both Reflection for the Web and Management and Security Server.
NOTE:When the activation files are in the installer directory, you do not need to use the MSS Administrative Console to install the activation file, as described when installing the product.