To install the add-in to all versions of Visual Studio installed on the machine and supported by the add-in, use the following command line:
msiexec /i RumbaDevelopersEditionVisualStudioAddIn.msi /qn
To install the add-in to specific versions of Visual Studio installed on the machine, use the following command line:
msiexec /i RumbaDevelopersEditionVisualStudioAddIn.msi ADDLOCAL= <version_list> /qn
where <version_list> is a comma separated list of Visual Studio versions. The list can contain all or some of the following items:
Msiexec /i RumbaDevelopersEditionVisualStudioAddIn.msi ADDLOCAL= RumbaDE_VSD_2012,RumbaDE_VSD_2013,RumbaDE_VSD_2015, RumbaDE_VSD_2017_Community,RumbaDE_VSD_2017_Enterprise,RumbaDE_VSD_2017_Professional /qn