Rumba Tracer

Rumba Tracer allows users to record information about a program's execution. This information is typically used by programmers for debugging purpose. Depending on the type and detail of information contained in a trace log, the information is also used by experienced system administrators or technical support personnel, and software monitoring tools to diagnose common problems with software.

Hidden fields: By default, the contents of hidden fields do not appear in trace results. This is useful to protect security-sensitive information, such as passwords.

To disable this feature:

  1. Create a TraceSecurity value of type DWORD under the appropriate registry key:
    • WallData\Office\Mframe\ for mainframe sessions.
    • WallData\Office\AS400\ for AS/400 sessions.
  2. Set the value of TraceSecurity to 1.

Trace files can be produced by Rumba software components which have been provided with additional code for generating binary output trace files. The file can be viewed using the TraceView and tracefmt utilities, which are part of the Windows Driver Kit (WDK), formerly known as the Driver Development Kit (DDK). Only TraceView and tracefmt need to be installed from the WDK.

A graphical viewer for viewing trace files. In addition to trace files, it requires debug information in the shape of .tmf files generated by the Rumba.
Converts binary trace files to text files which can be viewed by any text viewer.

To start tracing:

  1. Open a command window.
  2. At the system prompt, enter:

    RumbaTrace.cmd start

  3. To stop tracing, enter:

    RumbaTrace.cmd stop

The binary output trace file is stored in the %temp% folder.

The RumbaTrace.cmd script is part of the Rumba installation and is stored in the Rumba System folder.

You do not need to restart Rumba after running RumbaTrace.cmd.