The most common host file transfer program is IBM’s IND$FILE. This program uses a set of TRANSxx codes, which convey information about particular key file transfer transactions. The table below describes the various codes used by the IND$FILE program.

TRANSXX code Descriiption
TRANS00 Error in file transfer: file transfer canceled Indicates that an error occurred in the file transfer operation that was detected by the CICS file transfer transaction. This may be an error in the data being transferred, or an unidentified system error. Examine the file for incorrect format or bad data, and check the installation procedure and the setup of all the components involved. Try the file transfer again.
TRANS01 File Transfer command being processed Informs you that the file transfer transaction is currently being processed.
TRANS02 Number of bytes of file transferred so far ===> xxxx The file transfer transaction is currently being processed, and this code informs you of the number of bytes of information transferred so far.
TRANS03 File transfer complete The file transfer transaction has completed normally and the file has been transferred without any errors detected. Examine the data in the file to determine if the operation was implemented correctly.
TRANS04 File transfer complete, with records segmented The file transfer transaction completed successfully, but at least one of the records of data sent to the host was longer than the maximum allowed (32767). The record has been broken into more than one segment, each of which appears as a separate item in the Temporary Storage queue. The error may have occurred because the CRLF option was used when the file did not contain logical records.
Check the contents of the file being uploaded, and the options used, then try the file transfer transaction again. Alternatively, use the
option to transfer the data “as is” from the 3270 to the host without interpretation. Interpret the data in the host.
TRANS05 Personal computer filespec incorrect: File transfer has been canceled. The PC file specified is incorrect. Verify the file and try the file transfer transaction again.
TRANS06 Command incomplete: File transfer canceled. The file transfer command entered was incomplete. Verify the command and try the file transfer transaction again.
TRANS07 Cannot link to host: File transfer canceled A link cannot be established with the host. Check the status of the host, or refer to the user for more information.
TRANS09 Error reading file from damaged personal computer disk: file transfer canceled The specified PC file resides on a damaged disk. Copy the file to an undamaged medium and try the file transfer transaction again. .
TRANS10 Host has not responded within timeout period The host did not respond within the allotted amount of time. Check the status of the host, or refer to the user guide for more information.
TRANS11 Lost contact with host: file transfer canceled Re-establish a host connection and try the file transfer transaction again.
TRANS12 Error writing to damaged or full personal computer disk: file transfer canceled The specified PC disk is damaged or full. Examine the disk for damage and ensure that it contains enough space to receive the transferred data. Try the file transfer transaction again.
TRANS13 Error writing file to host: file transfer canceled An error occurred while writing the file to the host. Refer to the user’s guide for more information.
TRANS14 Error reading file from host: file transfer canceled An error occurred while reading the file from the host. Refer to the user guide for more information.
TRANS15 Host storage unavailable: file transfer canceled The CICS file transfer transaction could not obtain enough storage in which to place its own control blocks, I/O buffers, or save areas. Make more storage available to the transaction and try the operation again.
TRANS16 Incorrect request code: file transfer canceled The command that started the file transfer operation did not specify GET or PUT. The command is rejected. Check the parameters used to invoke the file transfer operation and correct them. Re-attempt the File Transfer transaction.
TRANS17 Invalid file name: file transfer canceled The file name specified is invalid. Verify the file name and try the file transfer transaction again.
TRANS18 Incorrect option specified: file transfer canceled An incorrect file transfer option was specified. Verify all options selected and try the file transfer transaction again.
TRANS19 Error handling host file: file transfer canceled An error occurred while handling the host file. Refer to the user guide for more information.
TRANS21 Not enough personal computer memory available: file transfer canceled Not enough memory is available on your PC to proceed with the file transfer. Close one or more applications and try the file transfer transaction again.
TRANS22 Host session identifier incorrect: file transfer canceled The host session identifier specified is incorrect. Verify the identifier and try the file transfer transaction again.
TRANS23 Activity specified not a host session: file transfer canceled The activity specified is not a host session. Verify the activity and try the file transfer transaction again.
TRANS24 Autokey operation in progress: file transfer canceled Wait for the autokey operation to complete, then try the file transfer transaction again.
TRANS25 Keyboard inhibited: file transfer canceled The keyboard has been inhibited. Refer to the user guide for more information.
TRANS26 Unrecoverable system error: file transfer canceled An unrecoverable system error occurred. Check the installation procedure and the setup of all the components involved. Try the file transfer transaction again.
TRANS27 Communication sequence with host disrupted: file transfer canceled Communication between your PC and the host was disrupted. Re-establish a host connection and try the file transfer transaction again.