Configuration objects


The root object creatable by ProgId MicroFocus.RumbaConfigurator.

Note: The configurator does not verify the relevance or value of parameters.
RumbaSessionConfiguration OpenSessionProfile(String profile)
If succeeds, returns Rumba+ session profile object for the specified session profile. Otherwise Nothing / null.

If the profile parameter has one of the following values:

  • MainframeDisplay
  • MainframePrinter
  • AS400Display
  • AS400Printer
  • UnixDisplay
  • HPDisplay

the corresponding default session profile is opened (if exists).

If the profile parameter does not contain a full path (file name only), the profile is assumed to be found in the default Rumba+ private folder according to the file extension. For example, MFrame for .rdsm for and .rspm, VT for .rsdu.