Sample test case

  1. Start Rumba+ Desktop.
  2. Open a mainframe session.
  3. Configure a connection to csimvs.
  4. Save the session profile as C:\Work\Test\MFDisplay.rsdm.
  5. Create a new text file called RumbaConfiguratorTest.vbs (VBScript file) with the following content:
    file = "C:\Work\Test\MFDisplay.rsdm"
    Set configurator = CreateObject("MicroFocus.RumbaConfigurator")
    Set profile = configurator.OpenSessionProfile(file)
    If Not profile Is Nothing Then
    Set overrides = profile.OverriddenParameters
    overrides.Port = 992
    overrides.SSL = True
    MsgBox("Can't open file " + file)
    End If
  6. Double-click RumbaConfiguratorTest.vbs to run it.
  7. Open C:\Work\Test\MFDisplay.rsdm and connect. Ensure an SSL connection is established.
  8. Edit RumbaConfiguratorTest.vbs to change its content as follows:
    file = "C:\Work\Test\MFDisplay.rsdm"
    Set configurator = CreateObject("MicroFocus.RumbaConfigurator")
    Set profile = configurator.OpenSessionProfile(file)
    If Not profile Is Nothing Then
    Set overrides = profile.OverriddenParameters
    overrides.Port = 2320
    overrides.SSL = False
    overrides.DeviceName = "TCPD0010"
    MsgBox("Can't open file " + file)
    End If
  9. Double-click RumbaConfiguratorTest.vbs to run it.
  10. Open C:\Work\Test\MFDisplay.rsdm and connect. Check the connection with the specified port and device name.