If you need to change the license key, you must first uninstall Web-to-Host, then reinstall it with the new key. If you do not enter a license key, Setup installs a 30-day evaluation version.
To install Web-to-Host:
java -jar setup.jar -DWebRootDir=<directory_name> -DSubDirectory=<subdirectory_name> -DLicenseKey=<license_key> -i console
For example, to install Web-to-Host to the following directory:
/var/www/htdocs in subdirectory w2h6.9.2/install
you would enter:
java -jar setup.jar -DWebRootDir=/var/www/htdocs -DSubDirectory=w2h6.9.2/install -DLicenseKey=xxxx-yyyy-vvvv -i console