Reflection for Secure IT, Client and Server for UNIX provides secure connections between computers. Use Reflection for Secure IT for secure file transfer, secure remote administration of computers, and to tunnel application traffic securely across a network. Both client and server installation packages are available. The server package installs all client features in addition to the server features.
ssh (Secure Shell client)
ssh2_config (client configuration file)
sftp (secure file transfer)
scp (secure file copy)
ssh-keygen (key generation utility)
ssh-agent (key agent)
ssh-add (add identities to the agent)
ssh-askpass (X11 passphrase utility)
ssh-certtool (certificate management utility)
ssh-certview (certificate viewing utility)
By default, client executables are installed to /usr/bin. (On Linux ssh-askpass is installed to /usr/libexec.) The global client configuration file is installed to /etc/ssh2/.
The Reflection for Secure IT server includes all of the client features listed above plus the following Secure Shell server features.
sshd (Secure Shell daemon)
sshd2_config (server configuration file)
A host public/private key pair (see note below)
sftp-server (file transfer subsystem used by the server)
By default, the sshd server is installed to /usr/sbin. The sftp-server is installed to /usr/bin. (On Linux sftp-server is installed to /usr/libexec.) The server configuration file is installed to /etc/ssh2.
NOTE:The server installation package checks to see if an existing host key pair is already present. If no host key is found, the package creates a new host key pair and the server uses this pair for host authentication. If a host key already exists in /etc/ssh2, Reflection for Secure IT uses this key. If an OpenSSH host key is found in /etc/ssh, Reflection for Secure IT migrates the key to the correct format and location and uses the migrated key.