
The Import/Export feature allows you to import Stories to and export Stories from the Breakdown view of the Planning Perspective. This feature supports both .CSV and .TXT files.

The feature allows you to:

This functionality is not designed for bulk Story editing since the import process creates new Stories for each row in the file.

Watch how to do it: Importing/Exporting User Stories.

About Import

  • The Import feature will create new Stories even if a row ID in the file matches a Story ID in Rhythm.
  • Requires a properly formatted .CSV/.TXT file.
  • Import will accept many fields as defined in the Atlas Hub, but the heading names need to match exactly, otherwise, they will be ignored. Some common fields include Name, StoryType, MOSCOW, EstimatedPoints, RichDescription, Sponsor, StoryStatus, and StoryValue.

    The following represent the required values for list fields:

    • Atlas Hub StoryType = Rhythm Type and must be one of these values: User Story, Technical To Do, Epic, Theme, or Defect. For more information about Types, see Working with Stories.
    • Atlas Hub MOSCOW = Rhythm Priority and must be one of these values: Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, or Won't Have.
    • Atlas Hub StoryStatus = Rhythm Status and must one of these values: Not Started, In Progress, Complete, or Accepted.
    • Atlas Hub StoryValue = Rhythm Value and must be Low, Medium, or High.
    • Atlas Hub Sponsor = Rhythm Owner and needs to be an existing User in Rhythm, otherwise it will be ignored.
    Tip: Perform an export first, and use that file as your import file template.
  • StoryOrder for the Breakdown view and Rank for the Backlog can be used.
  • Additionally, the following fields can be used to create parent-child relationships: ID and ParentID.
  • The Name field is the only required field.

About Export

  • Export will adhere to any filter that is applied to the Breakdown view.
  • Export will only export the columns that are visible. Name, ID, ParentID, StoryOrder and Rank are always exported and are listed first. Then, other selected columns are listed. RichDescription is at the end.
  • Export will create a file with Story data for the following fields: ID, ParentID, StoryType, MoSCoW, EstimatedPoints, StoryOrder, RichDescription, Sponsor, Blocked, Carried Over, CreatedTime, CreatedUserID, DotNotation, ModifiedTime, ModifiedUserID, Plan, Rank, Risk, Sprint, StoryStatus, and StoryValue.